The high-pressure units of HCI are constructed according to in-house designs. The major part of these units have a water tank of 4 to 6 m³. These units offer us the possibility to work autonomously. Our high-pressure vehicles are equipped with the most modern and efficient high-pressure pumps. They are heated to powers between 800 Bar and 3000 Bar. Besides that, we have units which heat the water up to 90°C.
The capacity of the high-pressure pumps depend on the work that needs to be carried out. For example:
For each application, we have specific HP machines and tubes, nozzles and jet pipes. HCI accords great care to safety. All high-pressure lances, pumps and accessories are inspected every 3 months and are every 12 months subject to pressure testing with certificate.
Would you like to know what we can offer in the field of high-pressure cleaning? Are you looking for a solution for a specific application or problem? Or would you like to make an appointment to discuss the possibilities for your organization? Please do not hesitate and contact us. It will be our pleasure to help you. contact