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Combined vehicles

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HomeVehicle fleetCombined vehicles

Combined vehicles

Benefits suctions vehicles

The combined vehicle of HCI is simply a combination of a high-pressure unit and a suction vehicle. Our fleet offers:

  • 10m³ to 16m³ content;
  • Vacuum from steel to stainless steel;
  • ADR/VLG certified;
  • High pressure pumps of 95 liter/minute and 600 Bar to 100 liter/minute and 1000 Bar;
  • Low pressure pumps 350 liter per minute at 300 Bar;
  • Autonomously working by means of a water reserve of 3 to 10 m³.


Want to know more about our combined vehicles?

Would you like to know what we can offer in the field of high pressure cleaning by using combination vehicles? Are you looking for a solution for a specific application or problem? Or would you like to make an appointment to discuss the possibilities for your organization? Please do not hesitate and contact us. It will be our pleasure to help you.